This dessert is one of my
favorites. I used to buy this in our local bakery back in my hometown. What I
love here is the sweetness of the custard-like filling.
Two weeks ago, I saw recipe
of this sweet dessert (thanks to Rural Mom Kristine for sharing the recipe). The ingredients are easy to find and the steps are very easy
to follow so I made my own too.
Here's what I did:
Here's what I did:
You will need:
4 egg whites
½ tsp cream of tartar
½ tsp vanilla
¼ cup white sugar
4 eggyolk
¾ cup condensed milk
1 tsp vanilla
Butter for greasing
Powdered sugar for dusting
Here’s how to do it:
Prepare the baking tray you will use by greasing with butter then lined
with greased aluminum foil (or you can you wax paper). Set aside.
Preheat oven to 150ºC.
Time to do the meringue:
1. Beat egg whites using high setting of the mixer until frothy.
2. Add cream of tartar and continue beating until soft peaks appears.
3. Add vanilla and 1/3 portion of the sugar then beat in high setting
4. Repeat the above step twice.
5. Continue beating the meringue mixture until it doesn’t flow when you
turn the mixing bowl upside down.
6. Spread the meringue mixture in the greased baking tray.
7. Comb the top using fork to have a streak effect after baking.
8. Place in pre-heated oven and bake for 17 minutes at 110ºC.
9. Raise the temperature to 150º and continue baking for another 3 minutes.
10. Cool.
While letting the meringue cool, prepare the filling:
1. In a saucepan, mix condensed milk, vanilla and egg.
2. Cook over very low heat with continuous stirring until becomes thick.
3. Set aside.
Let’s do rolling!
1. After the meringue has been cooled, dust it with powdered sugar.
2. Place on top another sheet of grease aluminum foil.
3. Turn the baking tray upside down.
4. The meringue is now resting on the 2nd sheet of foil.
5. Spread the prepared filling across the meringue (about 2 inches from the
6. Roll and you’re done!
If you can make your own powdered sugar. Mixing 2 cups cornstarch and 1
cup white sugar blend until becomes powdery.

The photo looks very vibrant. Did you edit it? Sana neighbors tayo... para when I smell something good coming from your house, kakatok ako to have a slice or taste of it. :)