I have been working for 13 years now, and I have been a working mom for 6 years already.
It's always been a roller coaster ride. There are so many times I have wanted to quit my job but still ends up choosing to stay. I have many valid reasons as a parent like me just want to give the best for our kids.
If you are like me who works full time outside work, you will understand how much time I sacrifice for my job. Though my job gives me financial security, I can't help but think if these are all worth it. I mean, being away from my son and those times I can't be with him to see his milestones and development.
Because time flies and one day, my son will be independent and will, but hope not, need my help. Just thinking about this makes me feel so sad already. Even if how much I tried to make up for the lost time, I could not get it back. That's why I always ends up feeling that mommy guilt when you feel you are failing as a mom. It's always the most painful feeling for every mother.
I thought I'll get over this feeling but now I am here again, caught between quitting and staying. In fact I never fail to browse on online job opportunities like the Triangle Direct Media jobs. I am giving myself a month or two to finally decide. For now, I have to leave it all to God because He knows what's best for us.