March 20, 2015

Our Own 5-day Diet Plan

One of my New Year’s resolutions is to trim down extra pounds but I already off course for the past two month due to busy work schedules and bunch of made-to-order crochet items.

I want to get back on track since I am starting to experience slight knee pains. I know reducing weight can help vanish such pain.

Last week, Mommy and I agreed that we are going start-up achieving our weight-loss goal again this coming April. We will make the first step in our afternoon walk or early morning jog followed by slight lifting.

We also discussed that having a diet plan can make a big aid. There are lots of suggestions over the net but I created our own 5-day meal plan. If this becomes effective, we can continue this kind of plan or at least do it once a month.

Here is our own 5-day diet “program”.

5-day Diet Program
Carbs and protein will comprise the breakfast. Meat products, like chicken nuggets, tocino and longganisa will be all homemade. Calcium source is also added in the form of milk.

Light amount of carbs from bread and loads of fiber from fruits and vegetables will complete the lunch.

A very light meal in the form of soups and toasted bread will be the major components of dinner.

For the snacks, baked goodies like oatmeal-raisin cookies, nuts, boiled kamote (sweet potato) and corn are definitely included in the list. Popcorn is also a good choice instead of chips.

For the fluids, plain water is more than enough and fresh fruit juices will be substituted for coffee during break time. Green tea can be a good choice too.

I will make an update what will happen to me and Mommy once we finished this 5-day plan. I will also include some of the exercises that we will do.

By the way,  you can check what's your fitness influence is by taking this Fitness Influence Quiz. I got a Fitness Champ Influence :)

Let’s go for a fit and healthy living!
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