I love this dish especially with alimasag or shrimp. So better share
this one.
You will need:
¼ kilo shrimp or ½ kilo alimasag
½ kilo squash, peeled and cut into chunks
1 bundle string beans, about 10-15 pieces cut into about 2 inches
2-3 pieces green chili
1 cup coconut milk, first extract
1 cup coconut milk, second extract
Onion, minced
Garlic, minced
Sauté onion and garlic. Add shrimp or alimasag and stir fry until it
turned orange. Add the coconut milk 2nd extract and simmer. Add
squash and string beans. Simmer until veggies are cooked. Add the first extract
coconut milk and bring the heat to the lower possible. Simmer until oil starts
to appear. Add green chili and simmer for another minute. Adjust the taste by
adding salt.
Do not stir when you already added the first extract coconut milk. This
will make the coconut milk curdle instead of releasing its oil.
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